Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Unity Of Mind

        Holy Spirit rule and foot rule have nothing to do with each other. The same light that comes out of a dew-drop comes out of the sun. The smallest bird that trills its infinitesimal melody utters occasional notes that would blend with the voluminous progressions of the grandest oratorio, or that would even chime in the anthem of the heavenly host praising God and singing, "Glory to God in the highest." And as the little note of the bird fits the splendid symphony of the angel-choir, so that is still thought everywhere, mind is mind in both worlds, the sea shell yet hums the murmur of the sea whence it sprang, the younger star still moves in the orbit it learned while one with the parent star from which it was born, God and man think in the same vernacular, the Father and His children understand each other, the hills and the mountains are divine thoughts done in stone, and in the heavens the interpreting mind of man calmly fronts and steadily reads the meaning of God, and in the scintillant paragraphs of the star-dotted sky, with a divine genius, spells out thought that lay eternal in the great Mind before ever He said, "Let there be light." Charles H. Winthrop Packard

All things yet shall work together, and so
working, orb in one,
As the sun draws back its sunbeams when
the dial-day is done;
All things yet shall gather roundly, and
unite, and shape, and climb,
Into truth's great golden unit, in the ripe
result of time.

"May the Circle Be Unbroken" sung 
by The Tehillah Ensemble

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