Showing posts with label illustrated poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illustrated poems. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"Good Morrow'' coloring page and poem

Description of Coloring Page: crocus frame and poem, text by Harriet Joor

"Awake!" the yellow Crocus Cries!
"Open wide your sleepy eyes!
For little Children, as for Flowers,
The Day unfolds it's shining Hours.
Awake to laugh - to work - to play -
Be good and glad the whole bright Day:
Then close your eyes up very tight
And sleep through all the cool dark night."
Don't forget to drag the png. or jpg into a Word Document and enlarge the image as much as possible before printing it folks. If you have a question about this coloring page, just type into the comment box located directly below this post and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Graceful Servants

 Graceful Servants by Betty Chapman Benhum

Knives and forks should always be
Well behaved for you and me.
Up on end they should not stand,
Nor go sailing in one's hand.
Knives are made to cut the meat,
Forks are meant to help one eat.
They are servants, bright and ready,
They'll obey if one is steady,
Always with  their peasant graces.
Always in their proper places.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Froggy by F. E. Valetta

Every froggy every spring,
Every eve must shrilly sing;
Froggy, froggy, chirp your 
We'll all listen - sure we

Froggy, froggy, don't you
Old Jack Frost will nip a toe
If you don't keep in your
While old Jackie's north
wind blows?

Froggy, froggy, bide a wee,
Till greening sward and 
budding tree
And April's warm, life-giving
Make your coming safe 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Pussy Willow Poem

Illustrated "Pussy Willows" by Cora M V Preble.

The little pussy willows
Upon the small, brown trees
Lie sleeping in their cradles,
Arocking in the breeze.

And every pussy willow,
So fat and round and small,
Is dreaming in the sunshine,
And curled up in a ball.

Such funny little fellows
In fuzzy coats of fur-
I wonder, if I stroked them,
Would pussy willows purr?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Anna's Easter Dream by Louise Cooper

When little Anna went to sleep
Upon the eve of Easter day
She dreamed of candied eggs a heap
And frisky, brisky lambs at play.
Plump Humpty Dumpty, with a bow,
Stood smiling on the counterpane,
And Ducky Daddles, wondering how,
Was at the foot just to explain.
Three baby ducks in noisy play,
Who never thought to pardon beg.
Cried "Quack, quack, quack for Easter day!"
And then tobogganed down an egg.
A rooster and a hen on nest
Exclaimed, "Please put us in the rhyme,
for we are doing our level best
In working up the Easter time!"
five bunnies, each with eyes of pink
And ears so long they flapped like wings,
Said, "We are not considered bad.
And, don't forget, we're little too."
five sparrows, proud of their wee size--
They never grow too broad or tall--
Chirped, "We should surely win a prize,
for we are littlest of them all."
Two tiny men from Titakum,
With good strong arm and sturdy leg,
Held steady as a block o fgum
A large and glowing rainbow egg:
There, standing on it like a queen.
With rosy lips and roguish eye.
In pink and gold and bronze and green,
The girly, curly butterfly.

by Louise Cooper

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Resurgam, the Latin for "I shall rise again"

Heart of mine.
And let the wondrous
Music of thy voice
Fill all the world with Light.
Sing and rejoice!
For in thy Risen Lord
love hath dispelled 
The thought of night,
And blessed hopes upspring,
Like fragrant flowers
From the awakened sod.
Trembling with new vibration
At the touch of God.
There is no Death,
For Life and Love
Are His dominion,
And every breath
of holy aspiration
But draws our spirits
Unto His; and we
Are Risen indeed-
To immortality.

by Elizabeth Ruggles

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


By Regina Watson

Oh! Nursery Town is a beautiful place,
It lies in the middle of Motherlove land,
And the sun shining there is Mother's own face,
And Nursie's the lady who's left in command.

Now, some of the places in Nursery Town
Are Babyhouse corner and Whitewood Farm
With its sheep, and shepherd all dressed in his gown,
And wee wooly dog to protect us from harm.

In Picturebook Row there live Little Boy Blue, 
And Jack and his sister, who tumbled down hill;
The funny old woman, whose home was a shoe,
And the other old woman who never was still.

There's Building Block street, and the tin soldiers' camp,
And Rockinghorse station near Chiffonier alley;
And Windowsill walk, where the soldier boys tramp,
And Paper Doll lane by the Woodbasket valley. 

The cabinet hospital stands there, too;
With its poor little patients all sick in their beds;
And gentle Nurse Needle and good Doctor Glue
To sew up their arms or to stick on their heads.

Aground, high and dry, is a beautiful ark,
With brave Mister Noah and those of his crew;
And all the animals live on his bark;
From Piggie the Pink to a gray kangaroo.

There are two little boats in this Nursery Town,
Moored close by the ferry of Going To Sleep;
And a pillow aboard for each fair curly crown
Of the two little sailors who into them creep.

At Round Table Tavern, the spot where they're fed,
They stop off for supper and breakfast for two;
Potatoes or hominy, butter and bread,
Or eggs, toast and milk and a cracker may do.

A wonderland sweet is Nursery Town!
So gay is the play there thee whole of the day;
You take a step up, and then take a step down,
And walk till you find it--it's not far away.

I hate hominy.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Robber Baby

I'm a big bold robber-
And every single day
I creep right up to
careless folks
And steal their love
by Elizabeth Kirkman

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Wind by Maud M. Johnson

The wind is very busy,
He's sweeping with might and main;
He's sweeping the clouds from the 
stormy sky
So that it shall not rain.

He's sweeping up the leaves
That littered the country lane;
And now he sweeps with delicious breath
The dust from my tired brain. 

Maud M. Johnson.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The March Hare And The Easter Rabbit

The March Hare and The Easter Rabbit
by Helen S. Daley

The mad March hare went 
out to walk
Upon a mad March day
He was so vexed because
the wind
Most blew his ears away

He met the Easter Rabbit
And the Easter Rabbit said
"March Hare, what makes
your long long ears
Blow all about your head?

They took the door mat
for a boat,
They set their ears for
And like an air-shop off
the flew
Upon the mad March Gales

First they went to Darien
And then they went to Chilli
Then they flew to Timbuctoo
By way of Piccadilly

But as the sun was going
They sailed across the sea
And landed safe in 
Rabbit town
In time for Early Tea.

Monday, January 28, 2013

An Easter Bunny Sale

March rabbits wild, May rabbits bold,
Easter rabbits here for sale, just one month old!
Come and buy my bunnies brown,
Prizes three they've taken;
Silky ears and cotton tails-
You cannot be mistaken.

By Susan Hunter Walker, 1905

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Illustrated Poem: The Gardener

Color in this garden poem called, "The Gardener" by Lucy Fitch Perkins.

Illustrated Poems: Grandmother's Garden

Color in this lovely garden verse by Joel Benton.

Illustrated Poems: Garden Rivals

Color this poem by Isabel Ecclestone Mackay called, "Garden Rivals"