Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Weave a Miniature Yarn Easter Basket or Egg

      This miniature basket is woven using a braided rag rug method. To make a basket the size of the one pictured here you would need:
  • A braided length of yarn measuring approximately one yard; use three colors of any yarn or embroidery floss that you may have on hand.
  • You will also need thread and a needle. 
  • masking tape
  • You will also need some kind of a spool like form; I used a toothbrush container.

      Above is a pictured sequence for making the basket. If you click on the photo it will look larger in a new window. As you can see in the second frame, you will need to work the braid in a spiral pattern until it is roughly the size of a small coin. Whip stitch the shape as you go with the needle and thread. The color of your thread will be exposed so choose that shade wisely. I chose a shade of pale grey because I liked the way that it looked. Some of you, however, may choose to conceal your stitches by matching them to the yarn colors. 
      Loop the two ends of a piece of masking tape together and press it firmly to the end of your basket's temporary form and then mount the coin sized bottom of your miniature basket onto the the form. Now, as you spin and sew together the sides of the braided yarn to itself, the shape of the basket walls will begin to form. Soon, you will have a tiny basket fit for an egg. After you have crafted the basket to the size that you desire remove it from the temporary form. Add a handle by looping the remainder of the braided yarn from one side of the basket to the other, sewing these in place. You can always add more braid into the basket design with a threaded needle should the basket appear longer on one side. 
Far left, cut egg shapes from cardboard. Center, notch around it's edges. Right, weave yarn back and forth to make a design all your own.

        A simpler weaving exercise may be accomplished by younger students by weaving yarn around the perimeter of a cardboard egg. In this way teachers or parents can also involve children of multiple ages, both young and older, in participating in decorating an Easter egg tree or display.

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