Friday, February 15, 2013

Craft Spring Carrot Napkin Rings

       For this simple craft project you will need to gather a few supplies: one skein of yarn ( I selected a skein of darker, earthy colors), felt carrots (These vary from year to year depending on what is available in hobby stores), white tacky glue, a ruler, scissors, and clean paper toilet roles (three napkin rings may be cut from one standard sized toilet tissue role).

       Measure and cut each toilet paper role into to three equal parts, then glue yarn down slowly as you push it through the hole and over the top of the tube. Both the inside and outside of each tube should be covered with yarn as it is pictured in the photo above. This is a slow methodical process and your second, third and fourth napkin ring will improve as you become accustomed to the method. Make as many as you need. If you should give these as gifts, it is standard practice to include table decorations in sets of four, for four place settings you would include in a gift, four napkin rings, four fabric napkins and four place mats etc... For a wedding shower, it is considered appropriate to give two sets of any decorative tableware, in other words, eight. This is so that the couple may anticipate guests at a holiday celebration.

       After the paper rings have been wrapped with yarn, let these dry over night and then hot glue the felt carrot decorations to the top side of the napkin rings. Choose the side of your ring that has the most attractive color combinations to attach the carrot to. These table decorations are particularly versatile because they may be used any time during the spring or summer to decorate a place setting for a garden tea party, a barbecue and at a Easter dinner party.

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