Sunday, January 27, 2013

Add A Few Porcelain Geese to Your Easter Eggs!

China geese laying enormous eggs!

Crazy quilt Easter eggs.
      I made these eggs many years ago when my girls were quite small. It seems as though I frequently have too many "knick-knacks" cluttering up my drawers and toy boxes! Consequently, I am always looking for a way to recycle this stuff. These little china geese dressed in their Easter splendor seemed an obvious choice for decorating eggs. On many occasions I have hollowed out the eggs to create small vignettes with similar china pieces. However, this time I thought they would look endearing as new parents. Their eggs most have been switched out by some deviant hen because these eggs are far too much for the geese to keep warm! 
      You will need too hollow out two ordinary chicken eggs for this Easter egg craft and also purchase a couple of tiny nests to hot glue to the bottom of each egg. I added a little dry moss beneath the rumps of the geese  and also between the nests and the smooth surface of the eggs in order for the hot glue to adhere to both surfaces firmly.
      This type of egg craft could be treated quite playfully depending upon the characters you happen to have on hand. 
       If you are a former quilter like me, you may also have too many scraps of lace, ribbon and embroidery floss tossed inside of an old drawer or in a basket full of all kinds of trim. These crazy quilt versions of eggs were cut from an old quilt no longer in use and stuffed with batting until they resembled Easter eggs. Additional lace and ribbon was then sewn onto the rough seams and a embroidery blanket stitch sewn around the new outside seams to decorate the quilted eggs even more. Well, they don't call crazy quilts crazy for no reason! Add a ribbon for hanging and you've found a new reason to recycle more sewing clutter!

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