
Thursday, February 29, 2024

"Consider The Lilies" by Ethel Halton

 Consider The Lilies

Within the rich man's garden
Full many a flower was seen,
With crowns of gold and crimson
On cups of emerald green. 
They brought the dead King thither,
And every flower in bloom
Bowed down its head in sorrow
About the Savior's tomb.
But see- the white-winged angels
Have rolled the stone away,
And 'mid the flowers only
The white grave cerements lay.

Next day they sought to find them;
Lo! rising where they fell,
Like the white hand of an angel,
Waved there - a lily's bell.
So pure, so white, and spotless
It pointed in the air,
As if to tell new comers
That He had risen there.
Born of His white robes fallen,
Like white leaves folded up,
They found a scepter gold and small
Within each fragrant cup.
And so amid the blossoms
Of the rich man's fragrant bowers
Was born the Easter lily-
The angel of the flowers.

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