
Friday, April 7, 2017

The Savior Rose Today

Savior Rose Today
by Margherita Arlina Hamm

The lilies whisper to the bees;
The palm-leaves murmur to the breeze;
And birds in roundelay
Repeat the message high in air,
Until it echoes everywhere,
"The Savior rose to-day."

Full well the swaying blossom knows
How loving spring dispels the snows;
And songsters half behold
A truer life within the breast,
When newer life invades the nest
And mingles with the old;

It may be that a hidden sense
Reveals to their intelligence
The presence and the sway
Of Him who notes the sparrow's fall,
So that in gratitude they call,
"The Savior rose to-day."

Who, looking over time's long scroll
Cannot but see a master soul,
Behind the dross and clay
And realize that in the good
Which brought the world beatitude
"The Savior rose to-day."

The earth brings forth both bud and flower
By some unfailing subtle power
Which baffles all decay;
When into being sprang the world.
The flowering of mankind occurred,
"The Savior rose that day."

From ugliness new beauty springs;
From death life soars aloft on wings;
And evil dies away.
A splendor dissipates the gloom
And fear lies dead within the tomb,
"The Savior rose to-day."

An old hymn with a new chorus. "Christ the Lord is Risen Today"

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