
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Shine On, Most Glorious Light

Shine On, Most Glorious Light 
by Kenyon West.

Shine on! Shine ever on, most glorious Light!
Reveal Thy majesty and splendor bright.
This Easter morning as of old arise!
Make glad the earth as with a glad surprise.
By magic power, as of old, change night
Into the benediction of the dawn,--
With promise to us of the darkness gone!
Shine on! Shine ever on, most glorious Light!
This Easter morn arise! arise!
Give saner vision to our sin-dimmed eyes;
To hearts that wait and watch for Thee, come near!
Thy miracle of wondrous love make clear.
Make cold hearts glow; make weak hearts strong.
Dispel our grim despairs, our sense of wrong.
From doubt's stern thraldom grant us Lord, release!
Give freedom, faith and Thy surpassing peace!
Thus only can we hope to live:--
Health, healing, blessing, --give! oh give!

Song "God's Glorious Light" - Michael O'Brien and Thomas Miller

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