
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Lenten Thoughts by Elisabeth R. Scovil

Lenten Thoughts 
"Come apart and rest awhile."
'Tis thy Saviour's call to thee.
" From thy pleasures and thy cares
Turn aside awhile with Me."

And the Church, His Bride on earth,
Echoes still His voice to-day,
In this holy Lenten tide,
"Turn aside," she says, "and pray."

Thou did' St keep the Christmas Feast
With a glad and willing heart.
Joining in the angels' song;
In the Fast now bear thy part.

Friends and neighbors round thee press.
Thronging duties claim thy care;
Little time to thee seems left
To be spent in quiet prayer. 

Our Lord trod this busy earth,
Lived its life of toil and haste;
Knows how much thou hast to do;
Would He bid thee time to waste?

Yet He says, " Come rest awhile."
From the outward, look within,
Learn to know thyself, and find
How to conquer secret sin.

In the desert, with thy Lord,
Tell Him all thy troubles sore,
Weariness, and pain, and grief,
He has borne them too - and more.

He will pity, help, and heal,
Aid thee in the mortal strife;
Send thee back with strength renewed
For the warfare of thy life.

When His Easter morning dawns,
Having kept the fast with Him,
Joyful to His holy feast
He will bid thee enter in.

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