
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Color A Celtic Resurrection Butterfly Cross

       I used metallic ink pens to color in my teacher's sample cross drawing. These inks really stand out if you draw with them on dark or black construction paper. Although, I chose to draw on a nice acid free paper for this particular activity (construction paper fades rapidly). The project is designed for students fourth grade and up. I've included patterns for the butterfly and cross below for those of you who would like to draw a cross very similar to mine. I colored the floral part of my design with Rembrandt colored pencils. These have a nice velvety texture that sharply compliments the metallic inks.
      The butterfly in the modern Christian church, and when I say modern I mean within the last 100 years, is used as a symbol for resurrection. This is because the metamorphosis that takes place during the life cycle of butterflies mirrors the lives of regenerated Christians in both life and death after the Holy Spirit indwells them personally. The cross, in turn, symbolizes the beginning of this resurrection process because of the ultimate price of salvation paid for us through Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection from the tomb.
      Encourage your students to frame their work if they are pleased with the results. I have found that many parents love to receive simple drawings such as these for a birthday or Mother's Day and/or Father's Day gift.
This is my teacher's sample of a Resurrection Butterfly Cross. Students can use all kinds of metallic ink pens to color in their sketches. They will need to use a white or yellow colored pencil to trace around their stencils before applying the inks. Although I chose silver for my sample, this pattern would look just as attractive in gold or copper inks.

Click directly on the image to download the largest possible file. You will need to fold an additional piece of paper and place the dotted lines of the cross template on top of the fold to cut out the entire cross pattern.

More Links to Cross Drawing/Coloring Projects:

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