
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

He Will Arise!

Easter Day
Oh, day of days! Shall hearts
set free
No "minstrel rapture" find for thee?
Thou art the sun of other days.
They shine by giving back thy rays.

Enthroned in thy sovereign sphere,
Thou shedd'st the light on all the
Sundays by thee more glorious break,
An Easter day in every week.

And week days, following in their
The fullness of thy blessing gain
Till all, both resting and employ,
Be one Lord's day of holy joy.

Then wake, my soul, to high desires,
And earlier light thine altar fires.
The world some hours is on her way,
Nor thinks on thee, thou blessed day.

Or, if she thinks, it is in scorn.
The vernal light of Easter morn
To her dark gaze no brighter seems
Than reason's or the law's pale

"Where is your Lord?" she scornful
"Where is his hire? We know his
Sons of a king ye boast to be.
Let us your crowns and treasures

We in the words of truth reply
(An angel brought them from the
"Our crown, our treasure, is not
'Tis stored above the highest sphere.

"Methinks your wisdom guides amiss
To seek on earth a Christian's bliss.
We watch not now the lifeless stone.
Our only Lord is risen and gone."

Yet even the lifeless stone is dear
For thoughts of him who late lay
And the base world, now Christ hath 
Ennobled is the glorified.

No more a charnel house, to fence
The relics of lost innocence,
A vault of ruin and decay--
The imprisoning stone is rolled

'Tis now a cell, where angels use
To  come and go with heavenly news
And in the ears of mourners say,
"Come, see the place where Jesus

'Tis now a fane, where love can find 
Christ everywhere embalmed and shrined--
Aye gathering up memorials sweet
Where'er she sets her duteous feet.

by John Keble.

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